Everyone needs healthy, affordable housing.
Comfort and Resilience
We believe that homes can and should sustain our health and happiness. We design homes that operate efficiently and harness the power of the sun. Occupants stay comfortable on the coldest winter days and the hottest summer days without the burden of high energy bills. If there’s a power outage, our homes can “coast,” holding off cold for several days without power. Our designs also provide superb indoor air quality, so you can breathe easy.
Better for you, and everyone else
There is an ever growing, unmet demand for energy efficient housing. With familiar materials and standardized assemblies, Just Housing provides cost-effective, scalable solutions for new and existing housing. We need more green homes, and we need them fast. Just Housing is here to help builders, homeowners, and community organizations meet the housing needs of this generation, and provide for the next one.
Artwork by CMD
Climate Change
Nearly 40% of annual energy consumption and CO2 emissions come from buildings, half of that from our homes. We can’t mitigate climate change without transforming the way we build for everyone, and especially our most vulnerable residents. We don’t need fossil fuels to power our homes and we have the knowledge and the technologies to create zero-emission homes everywhere. Time is running out – let’s get to work.